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0409 253 277


Suite 20, 6a Prosperity Parade, Warriewood NSW 2102

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Hatha Pure Yoga

Hatha is a foundational style of yoga that complements and enriches other types of yoga,  and is great for beginners.

  • It is 60 minute practice open for all levels in a heated room, approx. 28 degrees.
  • The term Hatha  is derived from the Sanskrit ha, meaning “sun” and tha, meaning “moon”, leading to the common interpretation that Hatha Practices are designed to unite and balance these two energies
    The word Hatha is the Sanskrit word for ‘Forceful’, and represents a traditional system of physical techniques. 
  • In addition to asana practice, Hatha yoga utilizes breath in the form of pranayama exercises (controlled breathing techniques) and meditation which is at the heart of traditional and Modern Hatha yoga.
  • It is a wonderful practice to return to again and again. 
  • Hatha Yoga is the basis of Modern Vinyasa Yoga.


Modern Hatha Yoga has many mental and physical benefits.



  • Improved flexibility, especially of the hamstrings, hips, and shoulders.
  • Improved muscle strength and tone
  • Better posture and body awareness


  • Reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Improved sense of well-being
  • Better sleep and ability to relax
  • Unlike Vinyasa, the emphasis in Hatha is on individual postures rather than flow, which makes Hatha a good place to work on alignment and observe how your body reacts to longer hold times.